Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I know, it's been FOREVER! What can I say, I've been busy.
Not with school, but other things. Anyway, a lot has been going on. Last week, a private security company in gray suits and shiny, bald, heads showed up at our school without a word. Apparently, our superintendent has hired an entire Private Security company to make sure that students aren't hurting themselves or getting pregnant on the THIRD FLOOR. This is the floor that they evacuated when they split the school in half two years ago. There are some offices and some used classrooms up there and ow some really tall guys with bald heads, but besides from that...

Last year I wrote a story about how one of my classes defeated zombies on the third floor. Somehow, the fact that I had written it and the basic story line circulated throughout a quarter of the 8th of grade. Now it's an inside joke. I am planning on writing a sequel. "The Real Story: How the Zombies became Private Security Guards and Why."